
The following is a list of self-help organizations, support groups, and treatment centers for persons facing the challenges of substance use disorders, are victims of sexual violence, or are in need of other emergency assistance.


The Community Mental Health Partnership (CMHPSM) ensures and supports the health, 我们地区居民的健康和生活质量.  CMHPSM提供了这两种物质 使用精神障碍和精神卫生服务.
734-344-6079 or 888-566-0489

A non-profit corporation whose primary purpose is to operate a vital support center where 12-step recovery programs can hold meetings, host social events and provide community-building opportunities for recovering alcoholics and addicts.

匿名戒酒会(AA) & 大麻匿名(MA)
A fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strengths, and hopes with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from 上瘾.

A Global Online meeting list to find Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, and 世界各地的其他12步团契会议.

Serving AA in 安阿伯, Chelsea, Dexter, Manchester, Milan, Saline, Ypsilanti & 周围 社区.

An inter-denominational, nonprofit, Christian fellowship which ministers to Alcoholics, 物质使用障碍,家庭成员和成年子女.

For those with mild to moderate alcohol problems who could improve their health by 少喝酒或根本不喝酒. AMP不适用于那些严重依赖的人 或者酗酒,需要治疗.

The goal of 黎明的农场 is to assist addicts and alcoholics in achieving long term recovery by offering residential treatment, sub-acute detoxification, outpatient treatment 过渡性住房.
安阿伯 734-669-8265
Ypsilanti 734-485-8725

An intentional community for adults living with mental illness that focuses on wellness 和能力. The Clubhouse promotes recovery through opportunities for members to work, learn, and contribute their talents to our community of mutual support.

Offers a full range of chemical dependency services and programs to individuals and 他们的家庭.

A non-profit organization that has provided innovative transitional housing, rehabilitation, and therapeutic services for individuals committed to ongoing recovery from chemical 在华盛顿县的依赖.

A fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other so that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover 远离大麻成瘾. 面对面或在线会议都是可行的.

A global, community-based organization with a multi-lingual and multicultural membership that offers recovery from the effects of 上瘾 through working a twelve-step program.
818-773-9999 x771

Provides information to members about local NA meetings, and activities.

Provides ongoing psychiatric services, including assessments, consultation, and medication management to individuals who are homeless and those in the justice system who need 精神健康援助.

Offers assessment, diagnosis, and treatment personalized for individuals and their 家庭.

Outpatient services include Mental Health, Substance Use Disorders, Post-traumatic 为无家可归的退伍军人提供压力和医疗保健.
800-361-8387 x53471

In collaboration with Washtenaw 县, the agency operates as the Substance Use Disorders Coordinating Agency for children/youth/individuals of 利文斯顿县 with Medicaid 或者没有保险.  服务 are available to youth and to adults who live in Livingston 县.



  • Get away from the attacker to a safe place as fast as you can. 然后拨打911.
  • 打电话给你信任的朋友或家人. 你也可以拨打危机中心或热线电话 与辅导员交谈. One hotline is the National 性侵犯 Hotline at 800-656-HOPE(4673) 羞耻、内疚、恐惧和震惊的感觉是正常的. 咨询是很重要的 来自值得信赖的专业人士.
  • 不洗,不梳,不清洁身体的任何部位. 如果可能,不要换衣服; 这样医院的工作人员就可以收集证据了. 不要碰或换任何东西 袭击现场.
  • Go to your nearest hospital emergency room as soon as possible. 你需要接受检查, treated for any injuries, and screened for possible sexually transmitted infections (性传播感染)和/或怀孕. The doctor will collect evidence using a rape kit for fibers, hairs, saliva, semen, or clothing that the attacker may have left behind.


  • If you decide you want to file a police report, you or the hospital staff can call 急诊室来的警察.
  • Ask the hospital staff to connect you with The SafeHouse Center (734-995-5444). The center staff can help you make choices about reporting the attack and getting help 通过咨询和支持小组.


  • 如果你被性侵犯了,那不是你的错. 不要害怕寻求帮助 或支持. 如果有帮助,你可以打电话给这些组织:
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline 800-799-SAFE(7233) TTY 800-787-3224 or Text "START" to 88788
  • 全国性侵犯热线800-656-HOPE(4673)
  • You also can obtain the numbers of shelters, counseling services, and legal assistance 在你的电话簿或网上.

There are things you can do to reduce your chances of being sexually assaulted. 遵循 这些建议来自国家犯罪预防委员会:

  • Be aware of your 周围s – who’s out there and what’s going on.
  • 自信地走路. 你看起来越自信,你就显得越强大.
  • 知道自己饮酒的限度.
  • 要自信——不要让任何人侵犯你的空间.
  • 相信你的直觉. 如果你对周围的环境感到不舒服,那就离开.
  • 不要撑开自锁门.
  • Lock your door and your windows, even if you leave for just a few minutes.
  • Watch your keys; do not lend them, do not leave them, do not lose them, and do not 把你的名字和地址写在钥匙圈上. 如果你丢了钥匙,那就把锁锁好 你的家变了.
  • 小心不速之客. 知道谁在你前面站在门的另一边 打开它. Be wary of isolated spots, like underground garages, open offices after business 还有公寓洗衣房.
  • 避免独自散步或慢跑,尤其是在晚上. 改变你的路线. 呆在旅行中, 明亮的区域.
  • Have your key ready to use before you reach the door – home, car, or work.
  • Park in 明亮的区域 and lock the car, even if you’ll only be gone a few minutes.
  • Drive on well-traveled streets, with doors and windows locked.
  • 永远不要搭便车或搭载搭便车的人.
  • 让你的车保持良好状态,油箱里有足够的汽油.
  • In case of car trouble, call for help on your cellular phone. 如果你没有 phone, put the hood up, lock the doors, and put a banner in the rear mirror that says, “帮助. 打电话给警察.”

For more information about sexual assault and victim’s resources:

  • Loveisrespect.org 866-331-9474 文字:LOVEIS to 22522
  • 国家性暴力资源中心877-739-3895
  • RAINN (Rape, Abuse, Incest National Network) 800-656-HOPE (4673)


  • 休伦谷救护车,800-872-1111
  • 全国自杀预防 生命线 打电话或发短信988
  • 中毒控制中心:800-222-1222
  • St. 约瑟夫慈善医院急诊室:734-712-3000
  • Suicide Intervention (U of M Emergency Psychiatric 服务) 734-936-5900
  • 安全屋中心:734-995-5444
  • 密歇根大学医院急诊室:734936-6666
