

Experience is a great teacher - sometimes it can give you a head start on a degree 或证书. If you have skills learned through school, training, or work experience, we will work with you to verify it and determine if you can be awarded 信贷 for it.

Once 你的 skills are documented and if deemed equivalent to college-level coursework, we will grant 信贷 to you if it’s appropriate to 你的 十大彩票网赌平台 program of study.

我们如何核实你的等值信用? 我们使用以下方法:

If you have gained entry-level occupational skills through 你的 high school career and technical education (CTE) classes and would like to receive college 信贷 for 同等课程,你必须:

  • 参加过认可的职业或技术课程
  • 有老师的推荐信吗
  • Provide 十大彩票网赌平台 with 你的 transcript for evaluation by the college instructor
  • 应用 for the 信贷 within two years of 你的 high school graduation

学习如何 获得CTE课程的学分.


You may receive 信贷 if you have achieved a score of 3+ (4+ for Economics) on one 你的高中提供的AP考试. 你可能会得到一个学分 particular course or the 信贷 may apply 走向选修课. 请浏览  AP课程同等学历, if you have a score that qualifies please request that it be sent to 十大彩票网赌平台 directly 从 大学理事会. 如果您有其他问题,请发电子邮件 (电子邮件保护).


Students who participated in an International Baccalaureate (IB) program may receive 信贷 for completion of the High Level exam(s), depending on the subject area and 考试分数.  你可能会得到一个学分 particular course or the 信贷 may apply 走向选修课. 请浏览  IB课程同等学历 , if you have a score that qualifies please request that 你的 official IB test scores 由检测机构直接送到十大彩票网赌平台. 如果您有其他问题,请发电子邮件 (电子邮件保护).


The College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) is a series of tests you can take to earn college 信贷, rather than completing lengthier courses. CLEP测试涵盖了一个 array of subjects, including history and the social sciences; composition and literature; science and mathematics; business; and world languages. 它们可以用来解决问题 general education requirements, however 信贷 earned through CLEP is not accepted MTA的. 

视图 十大彩票网赌平台的CLEP测试等效性 to see what exams we accept and the minimum score required to earn 信贷. 最低 scores for awarding 信贷 are based on American Council on Education (ACE) recommended 授信分数. In general, a maximum of three semester 信贷s may be granted 每个学院认可的科目考试. 还有一些综合考试和科目考试 require you to successfully complete an essay exam or laboratory demonstration. If 如果有进一步的问题,请发邮件 (电子邮件保护). 如果有兴趣参加考试,你可以 安排你的CLEP考试 通过测试中心. 


DSST (formerly DANTES Subject Standardized Tests)  exams are college subject tests that you can take to earn college 信贷 for knowledge you acquired outside of a traditional 教室. There are 38 subject exams 从 which to select in disciplines such as social science, business, mathematics, technology, humanities, physical science, and 更多的. 通过DSST获得的学分不被MTA接受. 如果你有其他问题 请电子邮件 (电子邮件保护). 如果有兴趣参加考试,你可以 安排你的DTTS测试 通过测试中心. 

If you demonstrate proficiency in a course, you may, upon recommendation of a full-time instructor and the approval of the 部门 chair, take a course examination for 信贷. This option is not available for all courses; it is mainly used in the technical/occupational 区域. 与你的 部门 看看是否有测试可用. 要获得资格,您必须被十大彩票网赌平台作为学分接受 学生并完成 Credit-By-Examination形式.


  • The cost of the exam is based on the number of 信贷 hours in the course. 是25美元 每学时. 付款必须在信用将被张贴之前. 
  • A maximum of 30 信贷s earned by exam may be applied toward 你的 degree.
  • You are responsible for arranging to complete the exam.
  • You are allowed to attempt 信贷 by examination only once per course. 如果你通过了 the exam, 十大彩票网赌平台 posts the 信贷 with no grade to 你的 十大彩票网赌平台 transcript.
  • This 信贷 generally does not transfer to other institutions.

可以授予信用 当前的  行业认证. 我们接受计算机类别的证书 science, information technology, health sciences, public safety, advanced manufacturing, 儿童发展等. If you have a certification in one or 更多的 of these 区域 请浏览 行业认证等值图 在这里看看你可能有资格获得哪些学分. 

Important things to know about 行业认证:

  • You will be asked to upload a copy of 你的 certification as part of the application. Please have the certificate(s) available for upload prior to starting 你的 application.
  • 在大多数情况下,学分只能授予 当前的 行业认证.
  • Non-traditional 信贷s will post to 你的 十大彩票网赌平台 transcript after completing one or 更多的 十大彩票网赌平台的学时.
  • Non-traditional 信贷s will not apply towards satisfying the minimum residency 信贷s 毕业要求.
  • Non-traditional 信贷s are not counted in cumulative GPA.
    In most cases, non-traditional 信贷s do not transfer to other institutions.
  • If you have additional questions, please consult 你的 Program Advisor.

Once you have the required documentation for 你的 certification then please use our 行业认证表格 to submit it and you will hear back 从 our transcript evaluation team within 72 营业时间. 如果您有任何问题,请发邮件 (电子邮件保护).

Students with work or other experience may be able to earn college 信贷 by submitting 记录他们经历的作品集. 了解更多有关 组合评价.

For an evaluation of service school training, submit 你的 military transcript and DD-214 member 4 copy (military discharge papers) unless you are still on active military 责任. The documents must show the exact title of the course, location of the course, 课程长度,以周为单位. 按建议进行军事训练,可获学分 by the American Council on Education (ACE) if it applies to 你的 program of study 在“. Other courses may be accepted as elective 信贷 based on 你的 program of 在十大彩票网赌平台学习. 如需更多信息或帮助,请访问 Wadhams退伍军人中心. To have 你的 military experience evaluated for college 信贷, request a copy of 你的 联合服务成绩单(JST).

你的 学徒经验 可转换为十大彩票网赌平台的大学学分. 这些积分让你完成了三分之一的工作,或者甚至完成了三分之一 更多的—toward 你的 associate degree in Construction Supervision, Industrial Training, 或通才课程.
